Many Big Perch in Pre Fishing for Perch Pro 7

This is a video from team CWC (Catch With Care) from Sweden in training for the populair YouTube hit Perch Pro from the Swedish Kanalgratis. Team Catch With Care Evert Oostdam (Netherlands) & Adam Orre (Sweden) will do the preparations / pre-fishing for Perch Pro edition 7. This popular Youtube serie starts again at Friday 11 December.

Perch Pro is the largest European Perch competition. Evert & Adam are already on fire during the training days and catch already huge Perches. Is this a good sign for the real competition?


The perch fishing competition where eight teams are spread out all over Europe to bring you some world class perch fishing over three fishing days and six episodes. This is a compilation of team CWC fishing team in one movie.

In this competition it’s not enough to fish good one or even two days – to win you have to perform your very best for all three days. Blood, sweat, tears, points lost by millimeters, personal best(s) and anything in between is included this year. We hope you’ll enjoy this CWC Perch fishing movie!

Mijn naam is Evert Oostdam en ik ben werkzaam in de hengelsport. Je zou mij eventueel kunnen herkennen van: Perch Pro (baars viswedstrijd van Kanalgratis op YouTube) of Pike Master Lures (roofvis groothandel) of de Predatortour (Internationaal / Europees kampioenschap roofvissen)

Op mijn YouTube kanaal probeer ik mensen te informeren wat roofvissen nu exact inhoudt. Ik maak vlogs over roofvissen die voornamelijk informatief zijn. Ook laat ik hier films zien van de meest mooie visreizen die ik ooit gemaakt hebt.

🇳🇱 roofvis visser 🎣

Volg Evert Oostdam ook op Instagram: