Evert Oostdam 115 cm snoek op de Strike Pro Jonny Vobbler.

The idea came up for Jonny Thofeldt (a crazy good pike fishermen from Sweden) when he was fishing in Rügen Germany with his friend who was using a wobbler. He wanted the same action in a hard lure as you get in a rubber bait. Not that irritating movement, with a fast vobbling action as in most of the wobblers.

He started the journey with this bait to handcraft them, but realized pretty soon that it took too much time and too many people wanted a lure like this. Then he made the decision to show the bait to Strike Pro / Catch With Care, and they got hooked instantly.

The Strike Pro Jonny Vobbler is 13 cm and weighs 50 gram. This lure already caught many good sized pikes.

Mijn naam is Evert Oostdam en ik ben werkzaam in de hengelsport. Je zou mij eventueel kunnen herkennen van: Perch Pro (baars viswedstrijd van Kanalgratis op YouTube) of Pike Master Lures (roofvis groothandel) of de Predatortour (Internationaal / Europees kampioenschap roofvissen)

Op mijn YouTube kanaal probeer ik mensen te informeren wat roofvissen nu exact inhoudt. Ik maak vlogs over roofvissen die voornamelijk informatief zijn. Ook laat ik hier films zien van de meest mooie visreizen die ik ooit gemaakt hebt.

🇳🇱 roofvis visser 🎣

Volg mij ook op Instagram: www.instagram.com/evertoostdam